Posts written by FabrizioOrsoBianco

view post Posted: 5/12/2013, 15:58 Alimentazione e Salute (Addio a Cancro Diabete Alzheimer ecc) The China Study T. Colin Campbell - Alimentazione Vegetale e Integrale

The China Study - Le Ricette - Libro
Indice delle ricette .pdf



The China Study Cookbook. BenBella Books (Dallas USA)
LeAnne Campbell, PhD, T. Colin Campbell PhD
The China Study Cookbook takes these scientific findings and puts them to action.
Written by LeAnne Campbell, daughter of The China Study author T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and mother of two hungry teenagers, The China Study Cookbook features delicious, easily prepared plant-based recipes with no added fat and minimal sugar and salt that promote optimal health.

From her Breakfast Home-Fry Hash and Fabulous Sweet Potato Enchiladas to No-Bake Peanut Butter Bars and Cheese(less) Cake, all of LeAnne’s recipes follow three important principles:

.. Optimal nutrition is based on eating food rather than nutrient supplements
.. The closer that foods are to their native states—prepared with minimal cooking, salting, and processing—the greater the long-term health benefits of eating them
.. It is best to choose locally and organically grown produce whenever possible

Filled with helpful tips on substitutions, keeping foods nutrient-rich, and transitioning to a plant-based diet, The China Study Cookbook shows how to transform individual health and the health of the entire family.



El Estudio de China [The China Study, Spanish Edition]. BenBella Books (Dallas USA)
Efectos Asombrosos En La Dieta, La Perdida de Peso y La Salud a Largo Plazo
By T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD
Publication Date: June 2012
ISBN-10: 1935618784 ISBN-13: 9781935618782

The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight-Loss, and Long-term Health is the definitive resource for anyone considering a plant-based diet and, because of this, more than a half million people have picked up the book.
With the Hispanic community struggling with obesity rates like never before—for instance, Hispanic girls have 2-3 times the risk of having a high body mass index (BMI) than Caucasian girls of the same age—a plant-based diet can improve the health of an entire culture. This and many other facts nearly demand a release of The China Study Spanish-translation edition.
Additionally, Spanish is the primary language spoken in more than 30 million American homes, so there’s both a need and a market for this translation.



Le Rapport Campbell. Ariane Edition
T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. II Campbell
L’étude la plus complète jamais réalisée sur le lien entre l’alimentation et la santé.

Les résultats des recherches scientifiques sont clairs et sans équivoque. Votre alimentation ajoute considérablement au risque de souffrir d’une maladie, ou au contraire, elle peut réellement augmenter vos chances de santé à long terme. Ce livre va au-delà de plusieurs mythes et met en évidence la désinformation de l’industrie alimentaire.
«Le rapport Campbell est le compte-rendu d’une étude avant-gardiste qui nous procure les réponses que les médecins, les scientifiques et les lecteurs conscients de leur santé cherchent depuis longtemps. S’appuyant sur des recherches ardues menées pendant de nombreuses années, ce livre nous livre des réponses pour le moins surprenantes aux questions les plus importantes de notre époque : Qu’est-ce qui cause vraiment le cancer? Comment pouvons-nous prolonger notre vie? Qu’adviendra-t-il de l’épidémie d’obésité? Le rapport Campbell démystifie facilement et rapidement les régimes-miracles à la mode en s’appuyant sur des preuves solides et convaincantes. Clair et bien écrit par un des plus respectés spécialiste en nutrition, Le rapport Campbell constitue un grand point tournant dans notre compréhension de la santé.»
– Neal Barnard, président du Comité des médecins pour une médecine responsable

Depuis plus de quarante ans, T. Colin Campbell est à l’avant-garde de la recherche dans le domaine de la nutrition. Il nous lègue Le rapport Campbell, qui est l’étude la plus exhaustive sur la santé et la nutrition à avoir jamais été entreprise. Colin Campbell est professeur émérite du département de biochimie nutritionnelle à l’université Cornell. Il a bénéficié de plus de soixante-dix subventions pour faire des recherches revues par des pairs et il a rédigé plus de 300 documents de recherche. Le rapport Campbell est l’aboutissement d’un partenariat qui dure depuis vingt ans entre l’université Cornell, l’université d’Oxford et l’Académie chinoise de médecine préventive.

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 27/4/2014, 13:22
view post Posted: 3/12/2013, 16:52 Piramidi in Bosnia bosniache. Bosnian Pyramids - Archeologia Misteriosa. Paleoastronautica. Civiltà Extraterrestri

Welcome to the official website of the Archaeological Park:
Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation
Dobro došli na službenu web stranicu Fondacije
"Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca"

view post Posted: 3/12/2013, 16:04 Piramidi in Bosnia bosniache. Bosnian Pyramids - Archeologia Misteriosa. Paleoastronautica. Civiltà Extraterrestri
Dr.sci Sam Semir Osmanagich, PhD.


Semir Sam Osmanagich is Bosnian-born Houston (USA) resident author, researcher and businessman.(Biography)
He has discovered ancient pyramidal complex in Visoko (Bosnia-Herzegovina) which consists of five colossal stone structures in the shape of the pyramid with extensive pre-historical underground tunnel network. (Photo gallery)
He has established non-profit and non-government „Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun“ Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo-archaeological work. (
He teaches at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina as Anthropology professor, in particular Bosnian megalithic sites.
First International Scientific Conference about Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids was held in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in August 25-30, 2008 ( with 55 leading experts from Egypt, Russia, China, Poland, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Croatia, Austria, Montenegro and Bosnia giving full support Osmanagich's efforts and recommending establishment of the Center for Pyramid Studies in Bosnia. (Conclusions)
Osmanagich is an owner and president of the manufacturing company Met Company, Inc. and holding company Met Holding Group, LLP. in Houston (USA).
Sam Osmanagich authored and narrated 12-epizode documentary „Search for Lost Civilization“ for the state Bosnian television FTVBiH (2007) which was based on his book: „Civilizations Before the Official History“ (2005) and filmed in Peru, Bolivia, Easter Island, Costa Rica, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Malta, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. (Video clips)
Osmanagich lectures extensively and promote Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids Project and archaeological tourism in Bosnia-Herzegovina from Egypt and Jordan, to Malaysia, Canada, USA, China, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Denmark and other countries. (Photo gallery)
Osmanagich is a member of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria (est. 1895). Osmanagich has become a first “honorary citizen” of the Town of Visoko in 2006.
Daily newspaper „San” from Sarajevo awarded Osmanagich title „Man of the Year 2007 in Bosnia-Herzegovina” for his research project Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and affirmative promotion of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the world.
Osmanagich has been admitted as a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences from Moscow, one of the most respected scientific institutions in the world.
Osmanagich holds his doctorate in Sociology of History. His PhD thesis about the Mayan civilization has been accepted at the University of Sarajevo.

- Ph.D. in Sociology of History: The Mayan Civilization, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia (Abstract)
- Master of Sciences in International Economics, University of Sarajevo
- B.S. in Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo
- B.S. in Economics, University of Sarajevo
- 2 years training in Sociology, University of Sarajevo

Osmanagich has authored ten books about ancient civilizations (The Mayan World, Peruvian, Mexican, Pacific, African and ancient European civilizations) that have been published in the United States, Turkey, Estonia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Books)

2006 – CNN, the most watched cable news program, announced as a “Breaking News” Osmanagic’s discovery in July 2006
2007 – ABC, the most popular US TV network, aired 30-minute “Special about the Bosnian Pyramids” <<link>>
2008 – BBC, the biggest European TV, aired news about the Bosnian Pyramids during the most popular show, duration 4,5 minutes
2009 – NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL – the most popular program about popular science aired 15-minute documentary about the Bosnian Pyramids and interview with Osmanagich
2010 – NTV, Moscow, most popular Russian TV; Italia Uno, most watched Italian TV, Nova TV, Croatian television; TVT, state television from Turkey; Channel 5 from Macedonia; they all filmed an interviews with dr. Osmanagich in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids
2012 – History Channel, "The Secrets of Pyramids" <<link>>

.... Libri ....

Pyramids Around The World [Kindle Edition]

'Hidden History' 2013 Dr.Sam Semir Osmanagich
Pubblicato in data 04 ott 2013

Fourth International Scientific Conference on Bosnian Pyramids "Hidden History 2013" was held September 4-7, 2013 in Sarajevo.
Twenty-three speakers from USA, Canada, Germany, Holland, Austria, Croatia, New Zealand, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia gave excellent talks on Bosnian Pyramids and Pyramids around the World.
Over 150 participants concluded that the Conference had a "fantastic organization".


Bosnian Pyramids - International Validation
Pubblicato in data 10 mag 2012


The Biggest Hoax In History?
Caricato in data 12 Lug 2011

These are the first ten minutes of the documentary The Biggest Hoax In History?. More footage and information about this exciting documentary about the Bosnian Pyramids can be found on the official website:

The Bosnian Pyramids. The Biggest Hoax In History? (1.4)

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 3/12/2013, 16:34
view post Posted: 28/11/2013, 17:51 Auto ad Aria Compressa Moto Biciclette Risparmiare con l'auto. Eolo MDI Guy Negre - Scienze Tecnologiche d'Avanguardia


Testata la tecnologia del motore ad aria della MDI su veicoli Tata Motors
MDI's air engine technology tested on Tata Motors vehicles
Rilasciato il 7 Maggio 2012

Nel gennaio 2007, Tata Motors e Motor Development International MDI (Lussemburgo) hanno firmato un accordo di licenza che permette a Tata Motors di produrre e vendere auto ad aria compressa con tecnologia MDI in India. L'accordo riguardava due fasi di attività comprendenti: il trasferimento tecnologico e la prova del concetto tecnico nella prima fase; nella seconda fase, di completamento dettagliato dello sviluppo del motore ad aria compressa in vettura e applicazioni stazionarie.

La prima fase di questo programma - prova del concetto tecnico su veicoli Tata Motors - è stata completata con successo, con il concetto di motore ad aria compressa che e' stato dimostrato in due veicoli Tata Motors.
Nella seconda fase dello sviluppo, le due società stanno lavorando insieme per completare lo sviluppo dettagliatato della tecnologia e dei processi tecnici necessari, per industrializzare un prodotto pronto per il mercato nei prossimi anni.

Original text:
Released on 07 May, 2012

MDI's air engine technology tested on Tata Motors vehicles

In January 2007, Tata Motors and Motor Development International (Luxembourg) signed a licence agreement that enables Tata Motors to produce and sell compressed air cars using MDI technology in India. The agreement covered two phases of activity encompassing the technology transfer and proof of the technical concept in the first phase, and in the second phase completing detailed development of the compressed air engine into specific vehicle and stationary applications.

The first phase of this programme - proof of the technical concept in Tata Motors vehicles - has now been successfully completed with the compressed air engine concept having been demonstrated in two Tata Motors vehicles.
In the second phase of the development, the two companies are working together to complete detailed development of the technology and required technical processes to industrialise a market ready product application over the coming years.
view post Posted: 27/11/2013, 17:55 AIDS Sindrome da Immunodeficienza Acquisita. HIV un virus che non esiste - Salute Amore Corpo Mente Spirito
La conta dei CD4 non conta . Ufficiale!
CD4 counts don’t count — OFFICIAL!
Postato da Henry Bauer il 14.2.2009

Per molto tempo, la credenza centrale nella teoria HIV / AIDS è stata che l' "HIV" uccide le cellule CD4 (anche se con un meccanismo che rimane ancora da identificare), distruggendo in tal modo il sistema immunitario e consentendo alle infezioni opportunistiche di prendere il sopravvento. Misurazioni sulle cellule CD4 periferiche (nel sangue) sono un pilastro nella ricerca e nella cura. Voci sollevate a sottolineare l'errore di questo, come quelle di Heinrich Kremer o Juliane Sacher, tra gli altri, sono state accuratamente ignorate. Ma ora esse diventano completamente ufficiali:

" 'In entrambi gli studi, i volontari che hanno ricevuto IL-2 e gli anti retrovirali, sperimentato notevoli e sostenuti incrementi nella conta delle cellule CD4+ T, come anticipato,' osserva il Direttore del NIAID Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., 'Purtroppo, questi aumenti non si traducono in riduzione dei rischi delle malattie opportunistiche HIV associate o di morte, quando confrontati con i rischi di volontari che stavano assumendo solo i farmaci antiretrovirali. Anche se ulteriori analisi possono aiutare a capire meglio questi risultati, i due studi hanno dimostrato chiaramente che l'uso di IL-2 non ha migliorato gli esiti di salute per le persone con infezione da HIV. ' "

Versione originale:
Posts Tagged ‘Heinrich Kremer’

CD4 counts don’t count — OFFICIAL!

Posted by Henry Bauer on 2009/02/14

For a very long time, the central belief in HIV/AIDS theory has been that “HIV” kills CD4 cells (albeit by a mechanism that still remains to be identified), thereby wrecking the immune system and allowing opportunistic infections to take over. Measurements of peripheral (in the blood) CD4 cells have been a mainstay in research and treatment. Voices raised to point out the error of this, those of Heinrich Kremer or Juliane Sacher among others, have been studiously ignored. But now it’s become quite official:

“’In both studies, the volunteers who received IL-2 and antiretrovirals experienced notable, sustained increases in CD4+ T cell counts, as anticipated,’ notes NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. ‘Unfortunately, these increases did not translate into reduced risks of HIV-associated opportunistic diseases or death when compared with the risks in volunteers who were taking only antiretrovirals. Although further analyses may help us better understand these findings, the two studies clearly demonstrated that the use of IL-2 did not improve health outcomes for HIV-infected people.’”

That paragraph is from an official release by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), “IL-2 immunotherapy fails to benefit HIV-infected individuals already taking antiretrovirals”

Increased CD4 counts do not translate into better health outcomes
for people on HAART —
even though the aim of HAART is supposed to be lower viral load
that supposedly allows rebounding of CD4 counts.

That could already have been inferred, of course, from the publication by Rodriguez et al., “Predictive value of plasma HIV RNA level on rate of CD4 T-cell decline in untreated HIV infection”, JAMA, 296 [2006] 1498-1506: the predictive value is NIL; viral load doesn’t predict CD4 decline in untreated patients; so why expect that it would do so in HAART-treated patients? But these IL-2 trials had been running since 1999 and 2000 respectively, so why cut them short just because research has shown them to be superfluous or misguided? Or just because the experts who draw up NIH’s Treatment Guidelines have also been sure for some time that CD4, viral load, and patient health do not correlate with one another, they are independent of one another — that’s why the Treatment Guidelines have to distinguish among “virologic failure” (viral load doesn’t decrease under treatment), “immunologic failure” (CD4 counts don’t increase), and “clinical failure” (operation succeeds, viral load down and CD4 up, patient dies).

Mere facts, though, have never been particularly meaningful in HIV/AIDS research. Anything that clearly contradicts HIV/AIDS theory is not accepted as falsification, instead it’s taken as a mystery to be solved. More from the recent NIAID release:

“These are the findings of two large international clinical trials presented today at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Montreal. . . .
IL-2 is produced naturally in the body and plays an important role in regulating CD4+ T cell production and survival. As their CD4+ T cell levels drop, people infected with HIV become more vulnerable to AIDS-related opportunistic diseases and death. Earlier research established that giving synthetic IL-2 plus antiretroviral therapy to people with HIV infection boosts their CD4+ T cell counts more than does antiretroviral therapy alone, but it was unknown whether this boost translated into better health [emphasis added]”.

It’s asserted (highlighted sentence above) as though known with certainty that lower CD4 means worse prognosis; yet

“ESPRIT and SILCAAT were designed to test whether giving IL-2 to HIV-infected individuals already on antiretroviral therapy would keep them healthier longer than HIV-infected individuals taking only antiretrovirals.”

If the highlighted assertion above had been right, then these tests were not needed. If they were needed, then the assertion should not have been made.

These clinical trials themselves appear to have been sound; and they looked at CD4 counts in both ranges of interest — there have been long-standing questions about the optimum CD4 counts at which antiretroviral treatment might best begin:

“Together, the ESPRIT and SILCAAT studies involved more than 5,800 HIV-infected volunteers in 25 countries. Participants were assigned at random to receive either combination antiretroviral therapy alone or combination antiretrovirals plus injections of Proleukin (Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland), a synthetic form of IL-2, over several five-day cycles. To evaluate the effects of IL-2 treatment at different stages of HIV infection, the ESPRIT study enrolled people with early-stage infection (CD4+ T cell counts at or above 300 cells per cubic millimeter, or mm3), while the SILCAAT study enrolled volunteers with later-stage HIV infection (CD4+ T cell counts between 50 and 299 cells/ mm3).
It is unclear why increased CD4+ T cell counts did not translate into better health outcomes.”

What’s unclear? Increased CD4 doesn’t produce better prognoses. HIV/AIDS theory is wrong. But of course that’s unthinkable:

“James D. Neaton, . . . principal investigator of the global clinical trials network that conducted ESPRIT, offers two possible explanations. ‘It could be that the types of CD4+ T cells induced by IL-2 play no role in protecting the HIV-infected patient, and therefore the administration of IL-2 has no benefit,’ says Dr. Neaton. ‘A second possibility is that the CD4+ T cells are at least somewhat functional or that IL-2 has some modest benefit, but that the side effects of IL-2 may neutralize any possible benefit.’
‘. . .although a person’s number of CD4+ T cells is a key measure of success in the treatment of HIV with antiretroviral drugs, we can’t rely on CD4+ T cell counts to predict whether immune-based therapies such as IL-2 will improve the health of HIV-infected individuals,’ concludes Dr. Levy, the principal investigator of SILCAAT.”

If CD4 counts don’t predict what “immune-based” therapies can do . . .
BUT these CD4s are the immune-system cells that have been accepted for a quarter century as the critical ones in HIV/AIDS, the ones that are supposedly killed off by “HIV” — so isn’t EVERY therapy that seeks to increase CD4 an “immune-based” therapy?

If the problem is with the particular TYPE of CD4 cells, these results would be just as damaging to HIV/AIDS theory and practice, since it would mean that faulty or meaningless measures have been used for more than two decades to make life-or-death decisions as to antiretroviral treatment.

Still, the important thing to note is that these trials, though they failed, were actually successful:

“’The purpose of clinical research is to clearly state and accurately test hypotheses with an ultimate goal of improving patient care,’ notes H. Clifford Lane, M.D., director of clinical research at NIAID and a member of the executive committee of ESPRIT. ‘These two clinical trials successfully reached a definitive answer about the utility of IL-2 therapy for treating HIV infection. NIAID thanks the thousands of dedicated volunteers and investigators who made these studies possible. The results will have significant implications for the future development of immune-based therapies for HIV and studies of HIV pathogenesis.’”

But perhaps this was just official spin for public consumption, for at least one other similar trial was abandoned:

“NIAID has discontinued the use of IL-2 in a separate, 20-country clinical trial known as STALWART (which stands for ‘Study of Aldesleukin with and Without Antiretroviral Therapy’).”

I don’t know about SILCAAT, but I do like those acronyms ESPRIT and STALWART. Perhaps NIAID wordsmiths get their inspiration from the Pentagon.

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 16/7/2014, 10:36
view post Posted: 27/11/2013, 17:23 AIDS Sindrome da Immunodeficienza Acquisita. HIV un virus che non esiste - Salute Amore Corpo Mente Spirito
Welcome to Peter Duesberg's HIV/AIDS research web site

Peter H. Duesberg, Ph.D. is a professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Biographical Sketch

He isolated the first cancer gene through his work on retroviruses in 1970, and mapped the genetic structure of these viruses. This, and his subsequent work in the same field, resulted in his election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1986. He is also the recipient of a seven-year Outstanding Investigator Grant from the National Institutes of Health.

On the basis of his experience with retroviruses, Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS, AIDS Forschung, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapeutics, New England Journal of Medicine and Research in Immunology. He has instead proposed the hypothesis that the various American/European AIDS diseases are brought on by the long-term consumption of recreational drugs and/or AZT itself, which is prescribed to prevent or treat AIDS. See The AIDS Dilemma: Drug diseases blamed on a passenger virus.

For a detailed discussion of American/European AIDS as opposed to African AIDS, see The African AIDS Epidemic: New and Contagious or Old Under a New Name.

This is Duesberg's official site, containing his written works on the subject, as well as other scientists that support his views such as Kary B. Mullis. Kary Mullis won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique for detecting DNA. This is the technique used to search for fragments of HIV in AIDS patients.

Prof. Duesberg's findings have been a thorn in the side of the medical establishment and drug companies since 1987. Instead of engaging in scientific debate, however, the only response has been to cut-off funding to further test Professor's Duesberg's hypothesis.

You can show your support by contributing a tax deductible donation to help support Prof. Duesberg's lab at the University of California Berkeley.

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 16/7/2014, 16:22
view post Posted: 6/11/2013, 16:56 Vocabolari Dizionari Traduttori - Varie
Vocabolari e Dizionari (Significato delle parole)

Inglese .... Con voce semi sintetica per ogni parola .... Molto completo, con voce semi sintetica per ogni parola

Traduttori (Traduttori da una Lingua ad un'altra)

view post Posted: 4/11/2013, 17:47 Alimentazione e Salute (Addio a Cancro Diabete Alzheimer ecc) The China Study T. Colin Campbell - Alimentazione Vegetale e Integrale

Video Seminari T. Colin Campbell


The China Study video presentazioni
Macro Gruppo Editoriale

.. T. Colin Campbell - THE CHINA STUDY DVD trailer - Il seminario europeo
.. T. COLIN. CAMPBELL - intervista esclusiva
.. T. COLIN CAMPBELL - meeting the author of THE CHINA STUDY - seminar & interview
.. T. Colin Campbell - THE CHINA STUDY DVD trailer - Il seminario europeo
.. T.Colin Campbell - THE CHINA STUDY - pillola 1
.. Il latte e formaggio provocano il cancro? di T. Colin Campbell - estratto da The China Study
.. Curarsi con il cibo di T. Colin Campbell - The China Study estratto
.. Cause di Cancro e Tumore: geni vs alimentazione. T. Colin Campbell

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 5/12/2013, 16:41
view post Posted: 27/9/2013, 15:35 Piramidi in Bosnia bosniache. Bosnian Pyramids - Archeologia Misteriosa. Paleoastronautica. Civiltà Extraterrestri
Bosnian Pyramids - Visoko


Localizzate in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina, l'archeologo Semir Osmanagic ha scoperto molto probabilmente, le prime piramid del continente europeo.

Google Satellite Image and Geometry - Bosnian Valley of Pyramids - Highlighted and Edited - Satellite image of the Bosnian Pyramids (Sun, Moon and Dragon) with the Geometry Overlay. The 3 Pyramids form an Equilateral Triangle with each side measuring 2.2km and each angle within the triangle measuring 60 degrees.




img_31_mn img_34_mn

Bosnia Topographic chart

Piramida sunca pogled na Visoko

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 13/12/2013, 13:32
view post Posted: 15/6/2013, 20:27 Coabitare Cohousing Collaborare Risparmiare Divertirsi - Affitto condiviso - Armonia Umanita'

Cohousing e condomini solidali Di Matthieu Lietaert

Libro-guida pratica che mostra le esperienze delle nuove forme di vicinato cittadino e vita in comune con allegato il documentario "Vivere in cohousing" edito da Terra Nuova Edizioni.
Le esperienze raccolte in questo libro provengono da Paesi dove il fenomeno è ormai ben radicato e diffuso.
Stimolanti e vivide sono infine le testimonianze raccolte nel DVD allegato, girato in diversi cohousing in Belgio, Svezia, Olanda, Gran Bretagna e Germania. Un documentario inedito che fa conoscere le facce e le storie personali di chi da anni e con grande soddisfazione ha scelto il cohousing.
Il cohousing è una particolare forma di vicinato dove coppie e singoli, ognuno nel proprio appartamento, decidono di condividere alcuni spazi e servizi comuni come il mangiare, la gestione dei bambini, la cura del verde, ecc.
Qualcosa di più rispetto al tradizionale condominio, dove ognuno è trincerato all'interno del suo appartamento, ma qualcosa di meno di una comune, dove a legare tutti i membri è anche la condivisione dell'economia.
Le esperienze raccolte in questo libro provengono da Paesi dove il fenomeno è ormai ben radicato e diffuso, e in alcuni casi addirittura sostenuto dalle amministrazioni pubbliche per le evidenti ricadute positive di tali progetti sia sul piano ambientale che sociale.

Il volume è suddiviso in quattro sezioni, la prima, denominata "Perchè vivere in cohousing", raccoglie alcuni contributi che spiegano i vantaggi e le motivazioni di base che spingono sempre più persone a vivere in un cohousing.
La seconda sezione, "I suggerimenti di chi c'è riuscito", è invece dedicata alla fase di avvio del cohousing. Il testo offre una vasta panoramica del cohousing in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, riportando le testimonianze dirette di chi vi vive. Essendo un movimento dal basso ogni cohousing risulta diverso e presenta caratteristiche e modelli organizzativi propri. Il terzo capitolo analizza nello specifico la Danimarca, per il semplice motivo che tutto è cominciato da li, passando poi alla Svezia, attraversando l'Olanda, la Germania e il Regno Unito.
Chiude il libro una sezione dedicata allo scarno, per quanto promettente, panorama italiano.

Ancora più stimolanti e vivide sono le testimonianze raccolte nel dvd allegato, girato in diversi cohousing in Belgio, Svezia, Olanda, Gran Bretagna e Germania.
Un documentario inedito che ci fa conoscere le facce e le storie personali di chi da anni e con grande soddisfazione ha scelto il cohousing.
Più ci si addentra nel libro-dvd di Lietaert, più il cohousing ci appare come una valida proposta contro la crescente atomizzazione e solitudine delle nostre grandi città, dove il problema principale è senza dubbio la perdita di coesione sociale e il diffuso senso di isolamento.

L'autore è Matthieu Lietaert, ricercatore presso l'Istituto Universitario Europeo e consulente sul cohousing. E' convinto che un altro mondo è possibile e che ognuno possa dare il proprio contributo per realizzarlo. Per questo studia e ricerca da diversi anni soluzioni concrete per trasformare le città in luoghi più umani ed ecosostenibili.

Cohousing-Coabitare (1.6) Formula innovativa del vivere insieme

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 15/6/2013, 22:09
view post Posted: 17/5/2013, 11:08 Risonanza e Attrazione Universale. Potere dell'Intenzione. Creare la Realta' - Armonia Umanita'

Emilio Del Giudice
(Istituto di Fisica Nucleare di Milano)
L'auto-organizzazione degli organismi viventi alla luce della moderna teoria quantistica dei campi

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 17/5/2013, 13:32
view post Posted: 24/10/2012, 17:55 Universo Elettrico. Plasma cosmologia - Terra Sole Via Lattea Universo

Riscaldamento Globale - Global Warming, una Causa Solare e non umana...


Il modello dell'Universo Elettrico è una "Grande Immagine" coerente della nostra situazione nell'universo, e copre molte discipline. Esso evidenzia ripetuti schemi elettrici a tutte le scale di dimensione, che permettono esperimenti di laboratorio al fine di spiegare gli strani eventi energetici, osservati per esempio, nello spazio profondo, sul Sole e sulla luna di Giove, Io. L'Universo Elettrico lavora a ritroso nel tempo utilizzando le osservazioni fatte, piuttosto che in avanti con qualche inizio teorico idealizzato. Esso fornisce risposte semplici a problemi che ora sono vestiti alla moda da metafisica e misticismo. E' più interdisciplinare e comprensivo di informazioni, rispetto a qualsiasi precedente cosmologia. Esso punta verso possibilità concrete, ben oltre i limiti fissati dalla scienza attuale.

Our Misunderstood Sun . internalheader3 . Il nostro mal compreso Sole

"I concetti astrofisici moderni, che attribuiscono l'energia del sole alle reazioni termonucleari delle profondita' interne del sole, sono contraddetti da quasi tutti gli aspetti osservabili del sole."_ Ralph Juergens E. (1980)

"Il sorprendente zoo di strutture e fenomeni dinamici che avvengono sul Sole, non e' stato ben compreso in generale, sebbene essi siano stati osservati per un tempo molto lungo."_ Dan Kiselman, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 
Institute for Solar Physics

“In seeking a source of energy other than contraction the first question is whether the energy to be radiated in future is now hidden in the star or whether it is being picked up continuously from outside. Suggestions have been made that the impact of meteoric matter provides the heat, or that there is some subtle radiation traversing space which the star picks up. Strong objection may be urged against these hypotheses individually; but it is unnecessary to consider them in detail because they have arisen through a misunderstanding of the nature of the problem. No source of energy is of any avail unless it liberates energy in the deep interior of the star.” —A. Eddington, The Internal Constitution of the Stars.


La stella che non dovrebbe esserci
Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica

Per dimensioni e composizioni non dovrebbe esistere. È una stella di 13 miliardi di anni, che si trova nell'alone galattico della nostra Via Lattea, più piccola del sole ma quasi completamente composta di idrogeno e elio. All'inizio si ritiene si potessero formare solo stelle molto massicce dell’ordine dei milioni di masse solari.

di Francesco Rea

view post Posted: 26/9/2012, 11:04 Vendita Kit di trasformazione Motore ad Acqua. Automobili a Miscela Idrogeno Ossigeno HHO - Scienze Tecnologiche d'Avanguardia

Test per le celle elettrolitiche HHO che producono Ossidrogeno

Quanto gas HHO al minuto produce un sistema di elettrolisi ?

Ecco uno dei tanti esempi di test di produzione elettrolitica di gas HHO, si puo' fare di molto meglio, ma e' per dare l'idea di come dimostrare la reale produzione di ossidrogeno. Qui servirebbero strumenti di misura della potenza che alimenta la cella dalla batteria o all'ingresso dell'alimentatore, poiche' la tensione di cella non indica nulla se si tratta di impulsi e di onde quadre o simili.

HHO MAX 002 Part 1 - Plate spacing is the Key to EFFICIENCY!. Sito

Qui altri video relativi alla produzione di ossidrogeno (HHO) Movies. hho production

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 2/10/2012, 15:28
209 replies since 11/10/2005