Motori Stirling. Come funzionano. Vendita. Risorse varie

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view post Posted on 29/9/2008, 15:40

Luz Pinon Blanco



Motori Stirling. Come funzionano

RSE ricerca: motori stirling

2001 . Rapporto A1-038201 Generatore solare Dish Stirling Eurodish da 10 kWe. Attività preliminari alla realizzazione.

2004 . Rapporto A4-517645 Solare dish - Stirling EuroDish da 10 kWe. Valutazione delle prestazioni e ricerca di soluzioni tecniche migliorative
Questo rapporto e’ stato redatto nell’ambito delle ricerche svolte dal CESI per il Sistema Elettrico Italiano relativamente alle tematiche riguardanti lo sfruttamento energetico delle fonti rinnovabili e si riferisce alle attività di utilizzo sperimentale e di analisi di un prototipo di generatore solare termoelettrico dish - Stirling EuroDish da 10 kWe nominali, svolte nel periodo Gennaio 2003 – Settembre 2004 presso l’area sperimentale del CESI. I sistemi dish – Stirling sono generatori solari termoelettrici di piccola taglia che producono energia elettrica utilizzando il calore ad alta temperatura che si ottiene concentrando, mediante un paraboloide a disco, la radiazione solare sul ricevitore di un motore Stirling. Il motore trascinando un generatore asincrono permette la produzione elettrica sulla rete di bassa tensione.

2011 . Rapporto 12000781 Solar dish: tenute innovative per motori Stirling e studio per l'integrazione con cicli Brayton
Il presente rapporto racchiude i risultati dell'attività di RSE nell'ambito dei sistemi di generazione elettrica a fonte solare per via termodinamica. In primo luogo sono riportati i risultati di un'approfondita indagine bibliografica relativa all'accoppiamento di cicli Joule Brayton con collettori solari a concentrazione. Il rapporto è infine completato con i risultati dell'attività di manutenzione del generatore DISH Stirling installato nelle Test Facility di RSE.

Edited by FabrizioOrsoBianco - 21/10/2014, 15:10
view post Posted on 14/12/2008, 21:58

Luz Pinon Blanco



Stirling. Vendita

Sun Power
Stirling and Hot Air Engine Ring - Web ring : Applied Thermodynamics, The Little Engine Pages, Bailey Craftsman Supply, Bob Sier's Stirling engine and hot air engine, Stirling engine- Hot air engine- Heissluftmotor- Moteur Stirling ...
Robert Sier - Stirling and Hot Air Engine
Sandia Labs - New SunCatcher™
Stirling Biopower - STM Power
Stirling Technology, Inc., Ohio - USA
Japanese Inventor -

BIOFUEL ITALIA. Specifiche tecniche Motori Stirling


BIOFUEL ITALIA è in grado di offrire motori contenenti più unità di ciclo Stirling.
I motori della serie sono dotati di 4 unità stirling e sono raffreddati da un circuito ad acqua con una temperatura di uscita di 60 °C.
L’energia termica dell’acqua così riscaldata può quindi essere utilizzata per riscaldamento o per uso di processo, se invece non vi è utilizzo di tale energia termica, sarà possibile dotare il motore di un radiatore (dissipatore).
Questo tipo di prodotto ha le migliori applicazioni dove è possibile il recupero di energia termica (costituendo di fatto un micro-impianto di cogenerazione) e dove è essenziale garantire una fornitura elettrica continua ed affidabile.
Inoltre questi motori hanno il vantaggio di poter funzionare con una vasta gamma di combustibili: gas poveri, gas da digestione, metano, propano, gas da gassificazione del legno ecc.

Caratteristiche prestazionali:
Potenza elettrica generata . 48 kW
Potenza assorbita . 160 kW
Rendimento elettrico . 30 %
Rendimento con sfruttamento termico . 82 %
Livello sonoro (dBA@7m) . < 59
Temperatura di uscita acqua calda . 60 °C
Temperatura di ingresso acqua calda . 54 °C
Giri al minuto . 1.500
Voltaggio in uscita . 380/230 V, trifase, 50 Hz
Emissioni NOx (v.m.g.) . 0,41 µg/kWh
Emissioni CO (v.m.g.) . 2,72 µg/kWh

BIOFUEL ITALIA. Vantaggi del PowerUnit
Trattamento delle acque
Brucia il metano prodotto dai digestori anaerobici riducendo i costi energetici e generando calore per il processo di digestione.
Digestori Agricoli
Converte il metano dei rifiuti animali in calore ed energia.
Gassifica gli scarti dei raccolti e genera energia e calore da materiale normalmente gettato via.
Flussi di calore
Converte calore da scarti ricchi di energia in elettricità e calore.
Usa il metano di scarico per generare elettricità che può essere usata per esigenze locali o trasferita alla rete elettrica.
Gas di scarto (Flare Gas)
I gas di scarto del carbone o della raffinazione del petrolio divengono fonti di elettricità.
Composti Organici Volatili
Sfrutta l' energia racchiusa nei sottoprodotti industriali e li traforma in preziosa elettricità.
Carburanti Tradizionali
Brucia gas naturale o propano in modo efficiente per produrre calore ed energia elettrica.

E. Schmidt - Germany


.... .... .... ....

Edited by fabrizio3 - 24/1/2012, 10:04
view post Posted on 2/2/2009, 14:27

Luz Pinon Blanco



view post Posted on 2/2/2009, 15:23

Luz Pinon Blanco



Moteur Stirling solaire - Motore stirling solare, sito in francese





Club dei Motori ad Aria Calda - francese

Versione commerciale del motore Stirling con Generatore elettrico :



Versioni simili:

PMinMo's Stirling Wiki: A few useful links, but it never went very far.

Very nice article on the Sunpower EG-1000 Stirling generator.

2-Cylinder "V" Stirling May Be A Good Bet for Power

Great Primer on How the Stirling Works

Nice spreadsheet walkthrough on how to design a Stirling engine

Steel Stirling Engine Plans: A 4-cylinder design capable of claimed 40 watts. It's about the size of a big model airplane engine.

Excellent Schematic Overview of Various Stirling Configurations

Wonderful Stirling Engine Animations

Interesting Update on the 5HP Stirling by Merrick Lockwood : The original 140 page book is available here.

Stirling Engine Forums

Stirling-powered Robot Fish : Interesting Japanese project. Nice scale of Stirling.

Modeling and Simulation of a Free-Piston Solar Stirling

Military 3 kW Stirling Generator Set : 218 page pdf report.

Cool Nasa Animation of a free piston linear design

Sunpower 7 kW Free-Piston Natural Gas-Fired Generator

Great Nasa Intro to Stirling Power Generation

Nasa Guide to Stirling Engine Design: 300+ pages. One interesting comment is that Stirling engines running on air are only 20-25% as efficient as those that use helium or hydrogen as their working gas. Lots of rhombic drive models are analyzed in this text.

List of Sunpower Papers on Free-Piston Stirlings

DS Stirling Page: Amateur-built relatively large capacity Stirlings

Edited by fabrizio3 - 28/8/2009, 17:20
view post Posted on 28/8/2009, 16:15

Luz Pinon Blanco



Two Cylinder Stirling Engine - Animated Engines

The Stirling engine is one of my favorites. It was invented in 1816 by Rev. Robert Stirling of Scotland. The Stirling is a very simple engine, and was often billed as a safe alternative to steam, since there's no risk of a boiler explosion. It enjoyed some success in industrial applications, and also in small appliances like fans and water pumps, but it was eclipsed by the advent of inexpensive electric motors.3 However, because it can run on any source of heat, it now holds promise for alternative fuel engines, solar power, geothermal power, etc.

Animazione sul sito

Stirling engines feature a completely closed system in which the working gas (usually air but sometimes helium or hydrogen) is alternately heated and cooled by shifting the gas to different temperature locations within the system.

In the two-cylinder (or alpha configured3) Stirling, one cylinder is kept hot while the other is kept cool. In this illustration, the lower-left cylinder is heated by burning fuel. The other cylinder is kept cool by air circulating through a heat sink (a.k.a. cooling fins).

The Stirling cycle can be thought of as four different phases: expansion, transfer, contraction, and transfer.

image Expansion
Most of the gas in the system has just been driven into the hot cylinder. The gas heats and expands driving both pistons inward.
La maggior parte del gas nel sistema, viene guidato nel cilindro caldo. Il gas si riscalda e si espande guidando tutti e due i pistoni verso l'interno.

image Transfer
The gas has expanded (about 3 times in this example). Most of the gas (about 2/3) is still located in the hot cylinder. Flywheel momentum carries the crankshaft the next 90 degrees, transferring the bulk of the gas to the cool cylinder.
Il gas si e' espanso (circa di 3 volte in questo esempio). La maggior parte del gas 2/3 e' sempre localizzato nel cilindro caldo. Il momento del volano trasporta l'albero motore nei successivi 90 gradi, trasferendo gran quantita' del gas nel cilindro freddo.

image Contraction
The majority of the expanded gas has shifted to the cool cylinder. It cools and contracts, drawing both pistons outward.
La maggior parte del gas espanso si e' trasferito nel cilindro freddo. Si raffredda e si contrae, trasportando entrambi i cilindri fuori.

image Transfer
The contracted gas is still located in the cool cylinder. Flywheel momentum carries the crank another 90 degrees, transferring the gas to back to the hot cylinder to complete the cycle.
Il gas contratto e' fermo nel cilindro freddo. Il momento del volano trasporta la manovella di altri 90 gradi, trasferendo il gas all'indietro verso il cilindro caldo a completare il ciclo.
view post Posted on 25/9/2009, 13:20

Luz Pinon Blanco



BRS Solar Technologies


BSR Solar Technologies GmbH ("BSRsolar"), a private company located near Basle in the southern part of Germany, develops solar products for global application. The company, formerly part of the Bomin Solar Group, has been in the forefront of innovative solar technology developments over the last 30 years. The creative forces behind the company, Jürgen Kleinwächter, and until 1997 his father, the late Prof. Hans Kleinwächter, are both considered European pioneers in solar technologies.

The mission of BSR Solar Technologies is twofold: develop systems powered by renewable energies (in particular by solar radiation) for deployment in sunbelt countries to help meet water and energy needs. Through technology transfer, local partners transform these systems into local products with "German engineering inside"
become a leading developer of Stirling-technology-based distributed power generation and energy saving systems for application in developed economies

It is the business policy of BSRsolar to conduct the final development phase jointly with industrial partners and to commercialize its products through a global network of local marketing partners.

In pursuit of this policy BSR Solar Technologies seeks marketing partners for developed products and development partners for products still under development.

To download a company brochure, please click here.

The Company
Core Technologies
Heat Storage
Concentrator PV
Marketing Partners Sought
Solar Pumping Systems
Hot-Water Collector
Development Partners Sought
Brochures to Download
Contact Information

Core Technologies
BSR Solar Technologies has a rich pipeline of proprietary technologies:

BSRsolar's Stirling technology SUNPULSETM is a technology for crankless, non-resonance, free-piston engines. BSRsolar develops engines for two temperature ranges:

Low-Temperature Stirling Engines
powered by unconcentrated solar radiation with 80°C to 130°C at the hot end.
BSRsolar's low-temperature Stirling engine is powered by unconcentrated solar radiation. The first application is the solar-thermal pumping system SUNPULSETM water.

The absorber surface of about 3 square meters converts the solar radiation into heat of about 100°C inside the engine at the hot end whereas the temperature at the cold side is kept at about 30°C. Thus, according to the Law of Carnot, the engine can ideally achieve the efficiency of 19% of which it realizes about 70%, thus achieving an efficiency of 13%.

The displacer moves with a frequency of 0.5 to 1.0 Hz; the pressure inside the engine fluctuates between ± 100 mbar exerting a force of 1,000 kg on the 1 square meter power piston.

Medium-Temperature Stirling Engines
Over the last decades mainstream Stirling development has been focusing on high-temperature (>800°C) and high-frequency (>50Hz) engines in order to achieve good efficiencies.

BSR Solar Technologies GmbH is pursuing a radically different approach with the development of medium-temperature (200°C to 500°C), low-pressure (about 10 bar) and low-frequency (0.5 to 5 Hz) Stirling engines. Due to this relatively low temperature/pressure/frequency constellation, the percentage of the ideal Carnot efficiency achieved for a given temperature difference is much higher than that realized by high-temperature Stirling engines. For temperatures of 300°C (and 30°C on the cold side) the ideal Carnot efficiency is about 48% of which 75% is realized by SUNPULSETM engines, that is 36% (see graph below). This equals the value achieved by conventional Stirling engines at a temperature of 800°C and higher.


BSRsolar's medium-temperature Stirling technology brings very favorable economics to the design and construction of Stirling engines. In conventional high-temperature Stirling engines the displacer and the piston are synchronized. To maintain a momentum of both at all times, costly crankshafts, heavy flywheels and other devices are necessary for temporary storage of mechanical energy. In addition, they need very expensive material.

With the introduction of an innovative Stirling valve the SUNPULSETM technology decouples the movement of the displacer and the power piston, thus making crankshafts or flywheels superfluous. The phase between displacer and power piston is variable and adjusts automatically to the respective pressure/frequency constellation of the total system. The engine adjusts optimally to varying energy supply levels of the system and changes in mechanical performance can be accommodated for short intervals.

Heat Storage
BSRsolar's Heat Storage Technology SOLARSTORAGETM is a thermo-chemical storage technology for medium-temperature (200°C to 500°C) heat. The thermo-chemical storage system is specially suited for round-the clock operation of solar-powered systems and to overcome longer periods without sunshine as they occur in the Northern Hemisphere. For sunbelt countries, BSR Solar Technologies has developed a system utilizing plant oil as the heat-storage medium.

BSR Solar Technologies GmbH, jointly with the Max-Planck-Institut in Mülheim/Ruhr, has developed the thermo-chemical heat storage technology, SOLARSTORAGETM. The storage medium is metal hydride, which has a high heat-storage capacity. For instance, 1 kg of magnesium-hydride has the capacity to store 0.8 kWh of medium-temperature heat reversibly and practically without loss.

Storage of heat energy
The heat energy to be stored is supplied to the "high-temperature unit", a closed high-pressure system filled with magnesium hydride (MgH2). When the system is heated up, the hydrogen is set free and is transferred to the "low-temperature unit", a closed system to store the hydrogen.

The chemical reaction taking place is:
MgH2 —> Mg + H2 -75kJ/mol (dissociation reaction)

Release of stored heat:
When the hydrogen is transferred back to the high-temperature unit nearly the same amount of energy stored during the dissociation reaction cycle is released.

Mg + H2 —> MgH2 +75kJ/mol (exothermal recombination reaction)

Concentrator PV
BSRsolar's Concentrator PV Technology, COOLPHOTONTM, enable hybrid thermal/photovoltaic systems with concentrator PV modules cooled frontside through a selective filter, extracting the infrared radiation for thermal energy generation and preventing the PV cells from becoming too hot and thus less efficient.

BSRsolar's concentrator PV-technology COOLPHOTONTM significantly increases the economics of photovoltaic (PV) systems through front-side cooling of concentrator PV cells (concentration factor of up to 20) via a liquid filter.

The function of the filter is twofold: (1) to absorb the infrared radiation, i.e., photons supplying heat and (2) to let the UV and visible radiation pass through to the PV cells below. The filter consists of a fluid absorbing, storing and carrying thermal energy for other use.

1. concentrator PV cells
2. transparent filter system
3. pump for cooling circuit
4. heat exchanger
5. thermal energy

Hot-Water Collector
BSRsolar's Collector Technology, SOLARBOXTM, is a pressure-less, isothermal system with built-in water storage. Equipped with a special fluorpolymer foil, UV-radiation penetrates and disinfects, freeing the water from bacteria and viruses.
BSR Solar Technologies has developed the solar hot-water system SOLARBOXTM that is simple in design and is highly economical. The innovation of SOLARBOXTM is based on the employment of a special fluorpolymer foil. This allows the penetration of the sun's full radiation spectrum (incl. UV-radiation) thus heating and simultaneously disinfecting the water.

The SOLARBOXTM is an integrated hot-water collector/storage system. When heated up by solar radiation the SOLARBOXTM functions as an isothermal system, i.e., the increasing volume of hot water is kept within a temperature range of 3°C.

The main advantages of the SOLARBOXTM technology as compared to conventional collectors are as follows:

Better utilization of solar energy: In the SOLARBOXTM technology the black absorber surface is located at the bottom of the box; thus the solar photons first pass through the water. As a result 90% of the photonic energy is converted into thermal energy to heat the water. With conventional collectors the absorber is located on the water surface: solar photons first hit the absorber and an important portion of the heat produced remains in the absorber instead of heating the water.

Heating and storage in one unit: The SOLARBOXTM system is both, collector and storage, storing water of up to 250 liters per square meter. With the conventional version the collector and storage tank are separated and connected by pipe.

Natural UV disinfection: Miraflow®, the special foil that covers the SOLARBOXTM, allows UV radiation to penetrate and disinfect, freeing the water from bacteria and viruses. Conventional collectors do not have this capability.

Superior economics: With the SOLARBOXTM technology the cost of manufacturing a solar-powered hot water system can be reduced to 60% of that for conventional collectors.

Lightweight Precision Solar Optics
BSR Solar Technologies has developed an innovative "pneumatic solar concentrator" employing a thin reflective foil combined with a drum and an air-under-pressure system shaping the reflective foil into a highly effective concentrating optic, as well as Fresnel lenses and mirrors and other special optics.



There are several advantages to using flat plate technology of which the primary one is that of greatly reduced cost. The major drawback is that the engine works with a much lower temperature differential, hence lower efficiency and power output, however this is not a problem when applying solar technology in countries having limited financial resources.

One of the pioneers of low temperature solar machines is Bomin Solar Research of Germany who have been developing engines, designed to operate below 100°C, since 1989. One of their latest concepts is the SUNPULSE engine which consists of three mechanical components: the solar collector box, the oscillator control system and the mechanical power system.
Unconcentrated solar radiation enters the solar box (3) through a transparent cover (2) and is absorbed by the black top (4) of the regenerator absorber (5) and converted into heat. The regenerator consists of material pervious to air and is moved up and down within the solar box.


Edited by fabrizio3 - 4/2/2010, 04:02
view post Posted on 25/9/2009, 13:55

Luz Pinon Blanco




As the Earth orbits the Sun, it receives approximately 1,400 W / m² of energy, as measured by the solar constant. Of the energy received, roughly 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere, while clouds on average reflect a further 35% of the total energy. The generally accepted standard is 1020 watts per square meter at sea level.


Parabolic Solar Collector at MIT
Posted by Sun March 16, 2009 at 07:10 AM in Solar concentrators
The folks @ MIT are warming up to the idea of parabolic solar collectors, recently demonstrating this 12-foot dish of massive heating power - the completed mirror focuses enough solar energy at its focal point to melt solid steel. The energy of typical sunlight is concentrated by a factor of 1,000. This was showcased during a demonstration, in which a team member held up a board, which instantly and violently combusted, when brought within range of the focal point.

New Solar Balloon Creates 400 Times More Energy Than The Average Solar Cell
Posted by Sun October 26, 2008 at 09:22 PM in New Inventions
There are many new forms of alternative energy but maybe none as interesting as the Cool Earth Solar “Balloon.” The concept behind this design is that they create an “inflatable plastic thin-film balloon (solar concentrator) that, upon inflation, focuses sunlight onto a photovoltaic cell held at its focal point.

The design produces 400 times the electricity that a solar cell would create without the company’s concentrator.” Cool Earth has already began construction on a power plant in Livermore, CA that will utilize this new technology. The plant is modest in size, creating only 1.4 Megawatts but if this plant works as well as they expect it to, they plan on launching a full sized plant next summer. One great thing about this device is that it’s made up of a very common and cheap material. “Plastic thin film is abundant and cheap,” said Cool Earth Solar CEO Rob Lamkin. “It only costs two dollars for the plastic material necessary for our solar concentrator.”

It’s ideas like this that I think will stick. It’s cost efficient. It’s made of an easy to find material and it’s an environmentally sound concept.

Edited by fabrizio3 - 5/4/2010, 11:58
view post Posted on 4/2/2010, 05:04

Luz Pinon Blanco



Energy International, Inc. & EPRI - © Electric Power Research Institute - California

Stirling Engine Assessment - October 2002


Stirling engines are reciprocating engines that are fueled by an external heat source. This report presents a summary of the technical trends, commercialization status, and economic viability of Stirling engine technology for distributed generation (DG) applications.

EPRI strives to provide its utility members with information about emerging DG technologies that may offer new business opportunities and attractive customer solutions. While fuel cells and microturbines have received a majority of the recent focus, Stirling engine technology is beginning to receive more attention as a viable—and potentially competitive—DG option.

To document the state of the art in the commercial development of Stirling engine technology for DG applications as of June 2002.

The information in this report was obtained through research consisting of literature and web based searches and telephone interviews with nineteen companies worldwide that are involved in the development and/or sales of Stirling engine technology.

Recent interest in distributed generation has sparked new activity in the Stirling industry; however, only a single commercially available distributed generation product based on the Stirling engine has emerged thus far. Numerous companies are striving to bring a wide array of Stirling products to market for a breadth of applications. Most popular are products planned for residential combined-heat and power applications and small-commercial DG, particularly where “free” or “inexpensive” fuels are readily available.
Several Stirling companies presently have prototype products available for testing and demonstration. These systems range in size from 1 to 25 kW and vary widely in price from $2,000 to $36,000/kW. Through economies of scale, most Stirling developers ultimately plan to decrease the selling price of their products to less than $1,000/kW.
view post Posted on 5/11/2010, 10:45

Luz Pinon Blanco





DEKA Stirling


Motore Stirling
I motori di Stirling sono una promettente idea del 19 secolo che finalmente entra alla fruizione nel 21 secolo. Essi possono convertire pressocché qualunque combustibile in energia elettrica, e appositamente perfezionati, possono farlo in un sistema che è pulito, silenzioso, facile da usare, facile da mantenere e ha una lunga vita operativa. Per applicazioni che hanno bisogno dell'elettricità e calore pulito, il motore di Stirling è molto efficiente. La meta di DEKA è disegnare un sistema con tutti i vantaggi dei motori Stirling che possono essere fabbricati economicamente.

Stirling engines
Stirling engines are a promising 19th century idea finally coming to fruition in the 21st century. They can convert almost any fuel into electrical power, and properly implemented, they may do so in a system that is clean, quiet, easy to use, easy to maintain and has a long operating life. For applications that need both electricity and clean heat, the Stirling engine is exceedingly efficient. DEKA’s goal is to design a system with all of the advantages of Stirling engines that can be manufactured cost-effectively.


It’s been almost a year since I wrote about Stirling engines, and how heat can be transferred to a system and converted to do mechanical work. A Stirling engine works this way: you have two chambers communicating with each other: one that is being heated, and one cooling the hot air. The temperature difference between these two move a piston, doing mechanical work. The efficiency of Stirling engines is not dazzling at first sight, but it can be improved by using certain materials and shapes.

Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway, has just released to the public a modified electric Ford Th!nk, hacked in his DEKA labs. DEKA is his company located in Manchester Millyard, UK. Kamen’s modified electric car has a Stirling engine onboard, into the trunk. He uses the stirling engine mainly to defrost and heat the car, because the systems doing that are huge power consumers. “You’re running a pure electric, which is enormously cheaper to operate and enormously more environmentally friendly,” Kamen explained to “It’s the world’s first Stirling hybrid electric car”, he also said.

But the Stirling engine is not only used to defrost your windows or heat your car, it can also recharge your batteries with a higher efficiency than the diesel engine has. That why Kamen calls his Stirling engine “an insurance policy” for the electric car. Kamen even showed off his state registration for his new car, listed as a 2008 DEKA Revolt. “I’m a car manufacturer!” he grinned. “It’s so exciting!”

The beautiful part with the Stirling engine is that is can use any available heat, for instance if you have diesel, it will burn diesel. If you have gas, it will burn gas. I’m sure that it can, at least theoretically, be adapted to burn anything, from wood to plastic bags – the only condition is to burn them as cleanly as possible.



Dean Kamen's DEKA Revolt: An Electric Car With a Stirling Engine
L'auto elettrica Deka Revolt di Dean Kamen’s che funziona con qualunque carburante

Edited by fabrizio3 - 2/9/2011, 13:29
view post Posted on 5/11/2010, 11:03

Luz Pinon Blanco



Le moteur stirling - energie renouvelable

Edited by fabrizio3 - 24/2/2011, 10:19
view post Posted on 2/9/2011, 12:01

Luz Pinon Blanco



Stirling Engine Dictionary . Koichi HIRATA, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan

starTop Pagestar_blueEngine Typesstar_blueDouble Acting Typestar_blackMaterials of Power Pistonstar_greenRegenerator
star_blueBeta Type Enginestar_greenExperimental Enginesstar_blackHow to Get Temperature Differencestar_greenPractical EnginesstarWhat's New!
star_greenPrinciplesstar_greenHeat Balancestar_blackHeater of Model EnginesstarTest Tube Enginestar_greenJSME
star_blackAccuracy of Piston And Cylinderstar_greenGasketstar_greenFree Piston Enginestar_greenGlass Syringestar_greenFlywheel
starThermal EnginesstarAuthor's Informationstar_greenLow Temperature Differential Enginestar_greenCan Enginestar_blackEducational Engines
star_greenModel Low dT enginestar_greenO-ringstar_greenBearingstar_greenRoss Mechanismstar_greenRod Seal
starFish Robot Enginestar_greenBooksstar_greenLinks to Stirling SitesstarISECstar_greenGinger
star_bluePower measuringstar_greenLathestar_greenMillingstar_greenRotary Displacer Type Enginestar_greenAdhesive
star_greenLarge size Marine Enginestar_greenHermetic Enginestar_blackCo-Generationstar_greenWaste Heat Used EnginestarDesign of Model Boat

star_blackBiomassstar_blackModel and Practical EnginesstarNational Maritime Research InstitutestarSaitama University till 1998starBekkoame HP
star_blackWater Cooling and Air CoolingstarMiniaturized Engine (Doctorial Paper)starAchievements List

starSchmidt Theorystar_greenSimple Prediction Method
star_greenMechanical Materialsstar_blackSolar Enginestar_blackHot Spring heat Used Enginestar_blackUnderwater Applicationstar_greenMeteorite Clash
star_blackPiston Ringsstar_greenPrinciple for Biginnersstar_greenWeldingsstar_greenVariable Phase Angle Mechanismstar_blackHigh Speed Engine 
star_greenModel Free Piston Enginestar_greenHistorystar_greenStirling Cyclestar_blackSimulationstar_blackPiston Drive Mechanism
star_blueRhombic Mechanismstar_blueScotch Yoke Mechanismstar100 W Engine, Ecoboy-SCM81star50 W Engine, Mini-Ecoboystar_greenDesign of Model Engines
star_greenModel Engine, LSE-01star_greenModel Boat Enginesstar_greenExperimental Low dT Enginestar_greenCross-head Mechanismstar_greenMachinings
star_blackMechanical Sealstar_blackIsothermal Analysisstar_blackAnalisis Programstar_blackHeater Materialsstar_blackPressurized Case
star_greenModel Generatorstar_greenOne-way type Piston Ringstar_blackAdvantages and Problems


star Completedstar_blue Underconstructing
star_green Tentative sitestar_black Discussing yet
11 replies since 29/9/2008, 15:40   37179 views